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Hobart Town Hall 150 Design Award: Noiheena 2016
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Noiheena was shortlisted for the Hobart Town Hall 150 Design Award which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the City of Hobart's Town Hall. The design was Highly Commended by the judges of the competition.


Noiheena – a local Aboriginal word referencing the sun, ‘good spirit’ and sparks in the night sky – is a ceremonial vessel dedicated to peace, justice and healing. Representing a coming together of Hobart’s multi-layered history through the merging of indigenous and introduced timbers, steel and acrylic, it is designed for cleansing space with vapours from native plants. The contoured outer form was inspired by striated mussel shells, water carriers, boats and canoes, as well as the growth rings on tree trunks. An inner bowl, constructed from deep blue anodized aluminium, protects the outer layer from heat generated during a smoking ceremony. As a guardian figure, Noiheena was designed to rest on a stand on the landing of the Town Hall’s central staircase and but can be moved to enact its ritual task both outside and within the building.


The design was developed by the P-LAB Collective, an interdisciplinary team formed through CXI's Performance in Practice Laboratory (Creative Exchange Institute) especially for the competition. Exploring how crafted objects perform for communities, the group is comprised of performance architect Dorita Hannah, artist Brigita Ozolins, historian Stefan Petrow, furniture designer Phoebe Adams and Aboriginal elder Aunty Patsy Cameron: Hannah has designed international performances and exhibitions; Ozolins’ work includes large-scale installations for MONA; Petrow specializes in Tasmania's history; Adams’ objects explore gender issues through humour; and Aunty Patsy is renowned for her contribution to cultural heritage, especially through craft practices.

Hobart Town Hall 150 Design Award exhibition

Plimsoll Gallery, University of Tasmania, Hobart

10 December 2016 - 29 January 2017

Design for a ceremonial vessel plus stand

Indigenous & introduced timbers, acrylic, anodized aluminium, steel.

Vessel: 36.24 cm wide x 70 cm long x 15.6 cm deep; Stand: TBC

Designed by the P-LAB Collective: Dorita Hannah, Brigita Ozolins, Phoebe Adams, Aunty Patsy Cameron, Stefan Petrow

© Brigita Ozolins 2021

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